Measure 100g sugar, 200g self raising flour and 100g of butter in a large bowl.
Cut the butter using a palette knife (or butter knife) into smaller pieces.
Once the butter is cut into smaller pieces, use your hands to rub the ingredients together until they resemble breadcrumbs (bottom left photo).
Make a well in the centre of the ingredients and crack in 1 medium egg.
Combine the ingredients till a ball of dough is formed (top right photo), note that the mixture will be rather oily and this is completely normal.
Place the the dough onto your lightly dusted worktop and shape into an even log. Make sure the log is even at the ends too to ensure the buns are all equal in size.
Using a palette knife cut the log into either 8 or 12 even pieces. We cut our log into 8 pieces for larger Rock Buns.
Using your hands shape the pieces into round balls and place them on a baking tray with a sheet of grease proof paper on top. Allow a 5cm gap between each small ball of dough as the buns will spread in the oven.
Use the tips of your fingers to gently flatten each ball in one direction and then the other (top left and right photo).
If you plan to fill the Rock Buns, use your thumb to indent the centre of each bun, otherwise leave plain.
Place the filling of your choice in the Rock Buns, we used raspberry jam in half of the buns and we left half indented to be filled with chocolate spread after baking.
Bake in a preheated oven at gas mark 5 for 15 - 20 mins until lightly golden brown.
Allow to cool completely on a cooling rack before serving or decorating.
We added a dollop of chocolate spread and topped with M&Ms to our plain Rock Buns after they cooled completely.
Why not double the quantities and make a large batch for when guests come over for afternoon tea? I promise you they won't linger around for too long!
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